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Save time, save money,
be confident in your recruiting decisions

Discover the right athletes

Filter and shortlist athletes from a large database whose profiles feature the verified information you’ll need to make the best recruiting decision.

Generate interest

Utilize our streamlined outreach tools and supporting recruitment team to generate interest and connect with the athletes you want.

Manage your pipeline

Get ahead of typical recruitment cycles by researching and identifying up-and-coming recruits while managing active recruitment conversations.

Recruit in 4 simple steps

Start recruiting in four simple steps

Contact us to customize your recruitment plan
Submit your program’s standards and key contacts
Discover the athletes who meet your program’s standards
Start conversations with the right athletes who’ve expressed interest in your program
Get In Touch
Manage recruitment with one tool

Go from cold-calling to meaningful recruitment conversations with athletes right from the start. Build, track and manage your recruitment with Streamline Athletes. Discover how Streamline Athletes will change the way you recruit - forever. If you’re curious about how we can work for you and your program, we’d love to talk.

Learn how Streamline Athletes can help your recruitment

What Coaches Are Saying

High school and club track & field coaches

We know you’re invested in your athletes’ well-being and want them to make the best recruitment decisions possible. High school and club level coaches are integral advisors to young athletes and we can help you make their life even easier.

Give us a shout to see how we can help your athletes find their best collegiate opportunities.

Copyright Streamline Athletes ® 2022